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Month: May 2021

My Ex-Husband Gave Me an STD

*Sexually Transmitted Debt My ex-husband gave me an STD. No, it’s not what you’re thinking, sexually transmitted DEBT. You see when my first marriage broke up in 2005, not only did I leave with a whole lot of heartbreak, but I also left with a $20,000 joint credit card debt plus a mortgage. To make…read more

Getting ready to travel around Australia again?

Ross tells us whats up with the airlines. REX AIRLINE STOUSH SPARKS PRICE WAR For decades, all of us have taken for granted our ability to fly interstate and overseas. It’s been so easy – and affordable – to jump on a plane for business or leisure. But 12 months of a pandemic that has…read more

How well do you know your finance jargon? Take our quiz!

The finance industry has a bunch of acronyms and abbreviations that can make the home buying process a little confusing. But they’re not as difficult to understand as you might think. Take our short quiz to see how many you can answer! Below we’ve listed eight commonly used acronyms and abbreviations in the mortgage and…read more